
Legacy and Bequests:

By making a gift in your Will to the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada you can perpetuate your support for the animal welfare work in which you believe so strongly.


On your behalf,

we grant to every animal we admit :

Peace Freedom and Protection • The Best Possible Care and Medical Attention • The Right to Life Regardless of Age or Condition

And, when the time comes, a dignified peaceful death induced only in the event of extreme suffering and the loss of quality of life.

In years to come we want to make certain this quality of care will continue. And along with that, we want to educate and inform as many as we can about the need to improve standards of animal welfare. The earlier a child is informed, the greater the opportunity for them to become a responsible steward of the creatures with whom we share this world. When you include a bequest or legacy in your Will or in a Codicil, you are helping to ensure care, compassion and concern for animals in the future.

The Green Fields Circle is comprised of donors who have recognized The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada in their estate planning.  A donor shares her decision to leave a legacy: 

Through the Green Fields Circle, leaving a legacy to the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada is a positive way of ensuring a guarantee for the future of the sanctuary. With this in mind I intend to leave a legacy. May I encourage all donkey lovers to do the same.

Below is suggested wording which can be used in your Will:

For a Fixed Amount:

“I will give to The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada, of 6981 Concession 4, Puslinch, Ontario, N0B 2J0, the sum of $_____________to be used in such a manner as the Board of Directors of The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada shall, at its discretion, determine.”

For a Percentage of the Estate:

“I will give to The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada, of 6981 Concession 4, Puslinch, Ontario, N0B 2J0, ________% of my estate to be used in such a manner as the Board of Directors of The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada shall, at its discretion, determine.”

For a Residue of the Estate:

“I will give to The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada, of 6981 Concession 4, Puslinch, Ontario, N0B 2J0, the rest and residue of my estate to be used in such a manner as the Board of Directors of The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada shall, at its discretion, determine.”

Thank you

for considering the DSC for inclusion in your Will. If you have any questions about the making of your Will, or would like a copy of our Legacy Giving Booklet, please call us at 519-836-1697 and we will try to help. Alternately, send an email to with the word ‘Will’ in the subject line and include your name and address in the body of the email, and a Booklet will be mailed to you.

Other ways to donate.

To achieve our mission, we rely on the generous support of individuals like you, who share our commitment to donkeys.