In 2008, Rose Karn started to volunteer at The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada. From the outset, Rose related strongly to the animals and their world. Over the years she has volunteered countless hours: grooming donkeys, cleaning stalls, helping at special events, and acting as a greeter on Open Days. Whenever Rose shares her heartfelt stories about the donkeys with our visitors, she gives them a glimpse of the magic that can be found within a human/animal bond.
And there is something else that Rose does to express her affection for the animals: she helps to raise funds by knitting tiny donkeys that are then sold in our Long Ears Boutique. Through the sale of these delightful creations Rose’s contribution to the work of the Sanctuary has been enormous, and this year a milestone has been reached. Since 2015 she has knitted over 1000 little donkeys (yes, 1000!).
It was only in 2014 that Rose learned how to knit, thanks to a knitting group in the Texas community where she used to winter. Another member of the group is particularly skilled at the craft, and this friend creates knitting patterns for animals of all kinds and sizes. When she offered to teach Rose how to knit them, it was not long before the skills had been acquired and little donkeys were being produced.
Those readers of this story who are knitters will be impressed to learn that Rose uses 4 x 2.25 mm needles as she works and 3 hours are required to create each unique donkey. She allows that sometimes she has trouble parting with them, though, “They’re like little children.”
When next you visit the Sanctuary be sure to peek at the corral of donkeys perched on the counter by the cash in the Long Ears Boutique. These ever-changing little herds are like magnets, drawing the eye and the heart.
Thank you, Rose, for giving so much of your talents and time to the animals’ cause.

Sandra Pady, Founder