Other Helpful Resources

Looking for something else? We know where to find the answers! Below is a list of other organizations, links and websites that donkey owners and professionals, including veterinarians and farriers, might find useful. It includes additional materials on rescue & rehabilitation efforts, training resources and other service providers (including veterinarians and farriers) Please note, in […]

International Donkey Welfare

Did you know that over 99% of the worlds population of donkeys live outside of Canada? Whether in tourism or in impoverished countries that depend on them for every-day life, the welfare issues that North American donkeys experience ultimately represent a small, piece of the pie (Psst! This is part of what makes our work […]

Glossary of Terms

Do you know how to speak donkey yet? Take a moment to farm-iliarize yourself with these key words to help guide you in your journey of learning and loving all things donkey (and mule)! Ass: Short-handed reference to the scientific name used to refer to all subspecies of donkeys. See Taxonomy  Donkey: An English slang word that […]

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a quick question? We’ve got the answers! Check out the things that people want to know most… What are mules and hinnies? How can you distinguish between them? A mule is the offspring of a male donkey (jack) and a female horse (mare). Conversely, a ‘hinny’ is what we call the offspring of a […]


Regardless of which reasons our residents come to us because of, virtually all of them require some form of rehabilitation.    This can be short- or long-term and come in the form of medical care and/or behavioral modification. Medical Rehabilitation Upon arrival, the average donkey requires an average of $500 of immediate care. Some require […]