Planned Giving

Help plan the DSC's future

Leaving a bequest in your will to the DSC is a profound way to ensure your compassion for the animals in our care extends beyond your lifetime. The Green Fields Circle is comprised of donors who have recognized The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada in their estate planning. 

Through the Green Fields Circle, leaving a legacy to the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada is a positive way of ensuring a guarantee for the future of the sanctuary. With this in mind I intend to leave a legacy. May I encourage all donkey lovers to do the same.

A bequest is a forward-looking gift

The Sanctuary is a working farm, and along with the costs of animal care there are expenses for the land to be stewarded, the machinery to be maintained, and the support buildings to be constructed.

Over the years these major investments have been made possible by our supporters through bequests from their estates. Such forward-looking gifts have allowed us to purchase the 200 acres on which we work, and to take on major constructions like the Donkey House, its extension, and the Training Centre/Mule House. 

Bequeath a legacy

When we make a Will, we exercise control over our estates. 

We decide how and where our money and possessions will be allotted. In the past an estate was usually divided amongst family and friends. In recent years, though, more and more people have come to realize their Wills may be the one time in their lives when they can make a significant donation to causes that are meaningful to them.  

If you are thinking of the future, and making a Will which might include a bequest to help the animals, please contact us by calling (519) 836-1697 or by sending an email to sandra@thedonkeysanctuary.ca and we will forward you our Legacy Giving Booklet.

Ensuring the future is one of the most important things we can do today.

FAQs about planned giving

What is a legacy gift or bequest?
These terms are interchangeable.  They refer to the act of giving or leaving something to a person or organization through a Will.

Any asset, or part of an asset, can be left as a legacy gift.  For example, a bequest can  include money, company stocks, real estate, insurance, valuables, etc.

The value of any  asset that is bequeathed to The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada is tax deductible.

When not specified, bequests are placed in the general fund.

 If a person is considering to direct how a gift can be used, we suggest that the direction’s feasibility be discussed with the DSC legacy department before the Will is made.

The name of the estate will be part of a list included on a Legacy Board that is displayed on the Sanctuary property.

Once you have made a Will, the original contents can be changed or added to by means of a Codicil and will not involve rewriting your Will.

For more information please contact sandra@thedonkeysanctuary.ca or 519-836-1697.  All conversations will be confidential.

About the DSC

This photo shows a woman and a young boy patting a donkey over the fence at the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada

The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada is a not-for-profit licensed charity. Our mission is to provide a lifelong home to donkeys, mules and hinnies that are unwanted, neglected or abused and we promote the responsible stewardship of all animals through humane education. We envision a world in which the dignity and worth of all creatures are recognized and respected.

How your donations help

Volunteer with us

Volunteering at the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada is a rewarding experience. Plus, donkeys!

Below is suggested wording which can be used in your Will:

For a Fixed Amount:

“I will give to The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada, of 6981 Concession 4, Puslinch, Ontario, N0B 2J0, the sum of $_____________to be used in such a manner as the Board of Directors of The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada shall, at its discretion, determine.”

For a Percentage of the Estate:

“I will give to The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada, of 6981 Concession 4, Puslinch, Ontario, N0B 2J0, ________% of my estate to be used in such a manner as the Board of Directors of The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada shall, at its discretion, determine.”

For a Residue of the Estate:

“I will give to The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada, of 6981 Concession 4, Puslinch, Ontario, N0B 2J0, the rest and residue of my estate to be used in such a manner as the Board of Directors of The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada shall, at its discretion, determine.”


Thank you for considering the DSC for inclusion in your Will.